It's About Jesus

One of the Many Ways We Give!
Feed My Starving Children!
We are Designed to be Contributors, not Consumers
Generosity is our Privilege, and a key component of discipleship. As we give of our time, talent, and treasures, Jesus transforms our hearts to be more like Him. Through generosity, we get to partner with Him to see the world look more like heaven!
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” –Matthew 6:21
Stock or Asset
Making a stock transfer to your church offers several advantages for both the donor and the church. For the donor, transferring appreciated stocks directly to the church can provide significant tax benefits, including avoiding capital gains taxes on the stock's appreciated value. Additionally, the donor can claim a charitable deduction for the stock's full market value at the time of the transfer, maximizing the impact of their gift. For more information talk to Pastor Corey.