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Dark Shadows


Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world.

Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12


When I was a boy of about eight-years-old, my afterschool buddies were Owen and Danny. Every day, we would get together and do guy things. Sports, trapping gophers, going over to the stockyards to look at the animals, you know, guy things. But, occasionally, we would watch TV. In 1972, just about the time it was getting dark, just about the time when the sun went down, some “Brainiac” at ABC decided it was a good idea to air the show “DARK SHADOWS.”

Did they not realize there was a dark alley between me and my home? Did they not know that at age eight, I was still scared of the dark? Did they NOT know I was too proud to tell Danny and Owen I didn’t want to watch the vampires because I was afraid? So, I spent an entire fall learning to do the one-hundred-yard dash, sleeping under what I prayed to God were magic covers, and being sure the whole cast of DARK SHADOWS lived in our attic. Let me tell you this. It is hard work to spend that much time looking over your shoulder.

Fear is the DARK SHADOWS moment of humanity. God designed us to look through the windshield, but fear keeps our eyes pinned to the rearview mirror.

When running full tilt, it is a good idea to be looking forward, but fear focuses our attention on what is behind us. So powerful is fear. It can turn your dancing into mourning and your song into sadness.

In sixty-one-plus years, I have learned that life is infinitely creative at providing new ways to tempt me to run in the dark. The eight-year-old boy running through the alley to get home is still here. So, to whom do we turn when life brings us extra seasons of running in the darkness? Same as always.


Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world.

Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12


Have a great week!

-Pastor Corey


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