“For thus says the Lord the God of Israel: The jar of meal will not be emptied, and the jug of oil will not fail until the day that the Lord sends rain on the earth." 1Kings 17:14
The widow of Zarephath knew scarcity all too well. With only a handful of flour and a little oil, she was preparing for what seemed like her last meal. Yet, into her lack, God sent His prophet Elijah with a bold request and a powerful promise: “Do not be afraid… the jar of meal will not be emptied, and the jug of oil will not fail.”
How often do we find ourselves in a similar mindset? Before our feet even hit the floor in the morning, thoughts of scarcity consume us: “I didn’t get enough sleep. I don’t have enough time. I’m not enough.” These thoughts anchor us in fear and hold us captive to believing that we lack what we need to succeed.
But God invites us to shift our perspective from scarcity to abundance. The widow’s story teaches us how:
Be honest about your limitations, but don’t dwell on them. Acknowledge the challenges you face, but don’t let them paralyze you.
Don’t be afraid. Trust in what God can do through you, not in what you can do on your own. Fear focuses on lack, but faith focuses on God’s abundance.
Take a step of faith. Even when the path isn’t clear, act in obedience. God often works through our smallest acts of faith, like gathering sticks or sharing what little we have.
Follow through with trust. The widow obeyed Elijah, trusting in God’s promise, and witnessed His miraculous provision.
The miracle wasn’t in the abundance of the widow’s resources but in her faith to trust and act despite her lack. Her flour and oil didn’t run out, not because she had enough, but because God is enough.
Today, hear God’s words: “Do not be afraid.” Trust that He sees your needs, knows your limitations, and has already made a way. Take that step of faith—whether big or small—and trust that His provision will meet you in the journey. Where you see scarcity, God sees sufficiency. Where you see lack, He sees an opportunity for His power to be made perfect in your weakness.
Remember, it’s not about what you have but who you have. And with God, you have everything you need. You have enough, and you are enough.
Have a Great Week!
-Pastor Corey